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Our Programs

​CMC leads classes online and in-person. Our Math Circle classes are held in-person at Harvard University and at select Cambridge Public Schools, while our CMC Preparatory Math classes take place online over Zoom. We also host a yearly summer program on-campus at our partner universities. Our programs are open to all students in the greater Boston area.




Our CMC Preparatory Math classes use material from Beast Academy and The Art of Problem Solving to reinforce and preview the school math curriculum, with the support of CMC teachers that run the class. Our highly knowledgeable math instructors teach students in small groups of 2-6 organized by students’ age and skill levels.



Math Circle classes use CMC’s original, unique curriculum (developed by our founders, Mira Bernstein and Nataliya Yufa). We teach math by allowing students to explore complex, beautiful math that they don’t typically encounter in school. Our classes are fun and challenging. Students learn logic and creative problem solving by playing games, solving puzzles, and participating in building challenges while also learning how to solve math problems that would stump many adults.



CMC also offers an annual summer program. This in-person program utilizes much of the original Math Circle curriculum while also incorporating a variety of fun and unique summer activities and field trips, including guest speakers, field trips, and more. Each week has a special theme, which influences that week's activities and field trips.

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Evaluations Policy

We require students to have a placement evaluation before joining our programs. In rare cases, students are far enough behind that we determine they’d do better in another program, but generally evaluations do not affect admissions decisions.

An evaluation is required for all students in any of the following circumstances:


  1. It is the student’s first time enrolling in our CMC Preparatory classes.

  2. A returning student has not taken one of CMC’s Prepatory Math classes (formerly called our Beast Academy and Art of Problem Solving classes) for 2+  years.

  3. The student is in 1st grade and is applying for Saturday Math Circle classes. Because the material and social environment at Math Circle can be very challenging, we only admit 1st graders with strong reading and math skills. We reserve the right not to admit a 1st grader for any reason. We do not require evaluations for 2nd graders or older for the Saturday Math Circle classes.

  4. The student is a rising 2nd grader and is applying for CMC's summer program.


To schedule your evaluation, simply submit your application on time and wait for a CMC staff member to contact you. If you have any questions about our evaluation process, please contact us at

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Summer Camp 2024

We run an awesome summer day camp for kids who like puzzles, board games, and fun, challenging math. Our activities build problem-solving skills and get campers excited about a life in STEAM.


Please note the locations: Weeks 0, 5, and 6 will be at Harvard University; Weeks 1-4 will be at MIT

Session Dates, Themes, and Locations:

  • Week 0 (June 24th - June 28th) at Harvard: Math and Everything: Logic, Music, and Art -- REGISTRATION CLOSED

  • Week 1 (July 1st - July 5th) at MIT: Logic, Robots, and Secret Codes -- REGISTRATION CLOSED

  • Week 2 (July 8th - July 12th) at MIT: Math and Music -- REGISTRATION CLOSED

  • Week 3 (July 15th - July 19th) at MIT: Math and Art -- OPEN

  • Week 4 (July 22nd - July 26th) at MIT: Logic, Robots, and Secret Codes (same as Week 1) -- OPEN (limited spots available)

  • Week 5 (July 29th - August 2nd) at Harvard: Math and Music (same as Week 2) -- OPEN (limited spots available)

  • Week 6 (August 5th - August 9th) at Harvard: Math and Art (same as Week 3) -- REGISTRATION CLOSED


When: 9 am to 2 pm, Monday-Friday, with option for extended day until 5:15 pm.


Where: MIT campus (closest T stop: Kendall Square) for Weeks 1-4, or Harvard campus (closest T stop: Harvard Square) for Weeks 0, 5, and 6. 


Who: Students entering grades 3-8 in fall of 2024. We also have a counselor-in-training program for rising 9th graders.

If you have a very advanced student entering 2nd grade, email us at We reserve the right to ask any rising 2nd graders to wait a year.


What: Activities include building challenges, games with numbers, paper and pencil puzzles, activities with guest instructors - musicians, artists, architects, mathematicians, physicists, and engineers which show the wide reach and significance (and fun) of mathematics. Every 45 minutes or so there will be a movement break. Every week has a theme, described above.


Cost: $120/day, $600 for full week. Need-based financial aid is available for low-income families. If pickup at 2 PM isn't possible for you, we have an extended day until 5:15 pm available upon request at $150 extra per week. Additionally, there is a $30 application fee per student per summer. The fee is waived for families on financial aid.


Space is very limited, and we keep groups very small, so please only fill in the application form if you are sure your child will be able to come to camp. For hiring reasons and because we are a small operation, we will not provide refunds if you withdraw a week or less before the start of camp.

Fall 2024 Classes Coming Soon!

Subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to know when fall registration opens!

Fall 2024 Classes Coming Soon!

During the school year, we run two kinds of classes. Math Circle classes encourage the love of mathematics, develop problem solving skills, and explore math that isn’t covered in the mainstream public school curriculum. School Math classes, which use the Beast Academy/Art of Problem Solving curriculum (including PreAlgebra, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2), are in-depth and fun ways to do curriculum-related math. Check out our FAQ for a detailed comparison of the classes.


Although registration is rolling, you should try to apply at least a week before the first class, so that your student can join for the full session. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and classes often fill up. Your student might need an evaluation before they can participate; see our evaluations policy below.

School Math classes are held after school on Zoom. Math Circle classes are in-person on Harvard's campus on Saturdays, with a choice between morning or afternoon time slots for each age group.

Schedule and Age Ranges:


School Math, Grades 3-5, Tuesdays 4:15-5:10 PM
April 9th - June 18th, no class 4/16

School Math, Grades 4-6, Tuesdays 5:15-6:10 PM
April 9th - June 18th, no class 4/16


School Math, Grades 6-8, Thursdays 5:15-6:30 PM
April 11th - June 20th, no class 4/18


Morning Math Circle, Grades 1-3, Saturdays 9:15-10 AM
April 6th - June 15th, no classes 4/20 and 5/25

Afternoon Math Circle, Grades 1-3, Saturdays 2:15-3 PM
April 6th - June 15th, no classes 4/20 and 5/25


Morning Math Circle, Grades 4-8, Saturdays 10:15-11:15 AM
April 6th - June 15th, no classes 4/20 and 5/25


Afternoon Math Circle, Grades 4-8, Saturdays 3:15-4:15 PM
April 6th - June 15th, no classes 4/20 and 5/25


Cost: Need-based financial aid is available for low-income families. For families paying full tuition, the cost is $400 for a full session of Math Circle, $500 for a session of School Math (using Beast Academy), and $600 for a full session of School Math (using Art of Problem Solving). 


Deadline: Please apply by Monday, March 25th. If you apply later (or after classes begin), we will make an effort to include you, but may not be able to get you signed up in time for the first class.

Additional Information

Evaluations Policy


You can expect an email from us about scheduling an evaluation before enrollment if you're in any of the following situations.


1. If this is your student's first time in Beast Academy or Art of Problem Solving, or they're coming back after a long gap, we need to evaluate them. In rare cases, students are far enough behind that we determine they would do better in another program, but in general this evaluation determines placement, not admissions. 

2. If your student is in 1st grade and applying to Saturday Math Circle classes, we will need to evaluate them first. Only students with strong reading and math skills can join in first grade, because both the problems and the social environment can be very challenging. We reserve the right not to admit a first grader for any reason. 


3. You've asked us to admit a rising second grader to CMC summer camp.

To be evaluated, all you need to do is fill out an application by the deadline and wait for us to get in contact with you to schedule it. Apart from 1st graders, no evaluation is needed to participate in Saturday Math Circle—we will place your child in a small group with similar children.




The email you receive after applying is not a confirmation of admissions; it's an acknowledgment that we've received your application. If your child is admitted, you will receive at least two more emails from us: one welcoming you and letting you know your child's time slot and financial aid award, and one with your invoice.

Registration for Summer Camp 2023 is open! Click the link below to register. For school-year classes, see here.


Cambridge Math Circle Summer Camp


Who is this for: kids who like puzzles, board games, and want to learn fun math.

Age range: kids entering grade 3-8.

I have a very bright child who isn't a rising 3rd grader yet. What do I do?

We are very glad that you've found us, and we thank you for your interest! However, many of our students are very passionate mathematicians, and therefore our problems tend to be quite challenging and many years ahead of what the kids are learning at school, so our camp is not a good fit, even for the brightest kids younger than rising 3rd grade. We look forward to seeing your kids in our regular classes when they reach the required age. In the meantime, you might want to look into Beast Academy Level 1 online or in book format!


Regular times below. Extended day available upon request (early drop off (starting at 8:30 and late pick up at 5 pm))

  • 1 Day - June 23, 9 am - 2:00 pm (waitlist for all grades)

  • Week 1: June 26 - June 30, 9 am - 2:00 pm (waitlist for grades 3-5, available for grades 6-8)

  • No Camp for 4 weeks in July

  • Week 2: July 31 - August 4, 9 am - 2:00 pm

  • Week 3: August 7 - August 11, 9 am - 2:00 pm

Location: Harvard University (near Harvard Square)

Cost: $120/day, $600 for full week. Scholarships are available for low-income families, with a focus on Cambridge residents.

$150/week for extended day until 5:30 pm (not available for Week 2).


Join us for an in-person summer camp, where kids will solve logic puzzles, learn problem solving techniques, play board games, and learn about the lives of mathematicians. Every 45 minutes or so there will be a movement break. Space is extremely limited. Need-based financial aid is available, with a focus on Cambridge residents. Registration closes 1 week before the start of the session in question. First come, first-served.


Space is very limited, and we keep groups very small, so please only fill in the application form if you are sure your child will be able to come to camp. 

Note: a $30 application fee is added per child per summer. Need based waivers available ($0 fee for low-income families).

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